Thursday, August 7, 2008

People Want Every Excuse Not To Do More With Their Lives

I called into a radio station today where I heard a gentleman talk about why he wasn't a fan of the Olympics.

He said it's "tainted." "You don't know if the guy is on drugs or not. There's money. It's tainted."

Well, my friend. If you're not a fan of the Olympics then you sure as hell better not be a fan of the NFL, the NBA, NHL, CFL, Nascar, and any other sport you can think of. Because in your mind they are all tainted.

As humans we really don't like it when people around us are doing better than us. It's in our nature that we don't like to feel uncomfortable and that's a problem. As an Olympian I don't have that problem. I see someone doing great things and I think, "Damn! I've got to get my ass in gear!" But most people try and find some excuse that makes another persons acheivement wrong. Illegal. Whatever you want to call it.

If we go through life assuming that great achievements are somewhat tainted we take away the ultimate pleasure from witnessing the event as well as the ultimate lesson that the acheivement provides.

Don't look at someone breaking a world record and dismiss it with an, "Oh he's/she's on drugs." Think, "Man! That's amazing. To think that the human body can do that. What can I do with my body?"

Dara Torres is (hopefully) that example. She's clean at this point. And she is therefore an example of what the body is capable of becoming if it is taken care of properly. Nurtured. Trained. Recovered. Rested. Inspired. Motivated. Meditated. Etc.

That is the lesson that I'm walking away with and the one I suggest you walk away with too. Don't dismiss it as, "Oh she's got a ton of money that's why she can look like that." Why don't you go out and make that kind of money so you can do that. I am.

Get Ready To Be Inspired

I just read this fantastic article about John Dane who just made the Olympic team in the Star class in Sailing.

He is 58 years old.

It was his sixth attempt at making the team.

But what he did when his company was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina was even more remarkable. Read it here.

I Get More Excited About The Summer Games Than The Winter Games

Being a winter Olympian you'd think I'd get more excited about the winter Olympics than the Summer Olympics.

But I don't.

I think it comes down the the fact that the summer games are so much bigger. Eleven thousand athletes compete. The Olympic village is like a city, not a college dorm like it is in the Winter.

I also find that the summer sports are sports you can relate to. Running. Jumping. Strength sports. Sports played with balls.

The Winter Olympics has been called the "elitist" Olympics because there are so few countries competing at the "expensive" sports. Skiiing. Skating. Ice Hockey.

The summer games is all about skin too. You can't complain watching womens volleyball. Or even the track and field events. The bodies are gorgeous. It's hot. It's sweaty. I mean come on! It's just awesome. In the Winter Olympics everyone is covered up with a speed suit or snow pants.

I'm excited for the Beijing Olympics. I think this is going to be a watershed Olympics. It's going to be political. Hot. Smoggy. Protesty. Should be a fun one.

Jonathan- Olympian